Five Tips Before You Sell Deciding to put your home on the market can bring on a wide range of emotions. You may feel excitement at the prospect of moving on or moving up. Some sellers feel anticipation about what the future holds and about what kind of deals buyers may bring to the table. On the opposite end of the spectrum you may be feeling sadness or even regret. That's because selling your house can feel a lot life selling your home. Any and all of these emotional responses are normal! In order to stick to your guns and to keep on the sunnier side of the selling process it's important to do five key | |
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Mortgage Rates U.S. averages as of June 28, 2012:
30 yr. fixed: 3.66% 15 yr. fixed: 2.94% 1 yr. adj: 2.74%
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things before you sell. Feeling prepared and in control of a situation is paramount in feeling good about your decision. Here are the five pre-selling tips: Organize Paperwork: You most
An 'Outside the Box' Buyer Are you in the market to buy, but are limited by certain financial restrictions? You're not alone. The recent recession of 2009 has left a mark on the bank accounts and labor markets of today. Today's market is considered a "buyers market". What does this mean? It means that certain factors (inventory levels, home prices, days on markets, and supply versus demand) give buyers more leverage at the negotiating tables. In today's buyers market, there are lots of sellers who will be willing to go a more non-traditional route with a sale. They are ready to move on and are eager to find a buyer. Sometimes it takes thinking outside the box to get the results we want. It's a great time to buy. Affordability is at a generational high and interest rates remain remarkably low, but if you have limited savings or a less than stellar credit report you might find yourself unable to enter the ranks of homeowner. In cases such as these, it's a good idea to explore your options. It's time to think outside the box. First, be sure to talk to your close family to see if anyone would be willing to
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Getting an Offer Have you ever wondered what it takes to get more showings and to finally seal the deal? If your home has been lingering on the market for months, you might be asking yourself just that question. This question is more than just idle curiosity. When and how quickly you sell your home can mean the difference between buying the dream home before it's scooped up and avoiding carrying two mortgages. There is an old adage used in real estate that says, "location, location, location." While location is important for certain reasons (close to schools, crime levels, neighborhood appearance), there is something far more important when it comes to making a deal. The new adage should be "price, price, price." You can sell any home if it's priced to sell. Pricing right is about more than just pricing along with the competition. Sometimes it means listing at a lower price to make your home more attractive. Of course no one is willing to let someone just walk away with their home, but in a strong buyers market like we have today, you must be realistic about what price will truly entice a buyer. Experts say that if you overprice a home at the start, you're making a big mistake. Buyers look for new listings. They'll pass right over your home if it doesn't compare to the competition. They could also see your price reduction later on as a sign that you are willing to go
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Oh, The Things Front Door Colors Convey Your home's front door is the portal to your domain. What color you give it says a lot about what visitors can expect, from a warm welcome to a cold rejection. Paint Quality Institute color cop Debbie Zimmer just won't let it go. Zimmer previously explained how colors can get people in the right frame of mind and how colors can put people in the spirit of the season. Use hues right and it can be love at first sight. Use them wrong and you could be headed for a fight. She's not alone in her advice. Spiritual artist Yohanna Jessup of Painting Sacred Spaces, works with the essence of paint as a liquid that becomes a solid and bonds with the surface of living spaces and, through
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